The first post.

This is my first blog. To be honest I don’t even know how to get people to read it yet.

Lately I’ve found myself with a lot of things to say but not so many people to say them to. Don’t get me wrong, I have friends. I consider many of them very good friends but we’re all scattered in that post-college mind fuck right now and everyone is just trying to figure it all out. ‘All’ being life. So it’s kind of important I guess.

I don’t need a big following, I’m not trying to be the next big blogging star…I just have a lot of thoughts. So here I am, at the beginning of what will probably be me pouring my brain out onto a website filled with people I don’t know. I hope people will read it, I like to think I have at least a few nuggets of wisdom to unleash on the world.

Here’s the other thing-I’m a big chicken. Well, I’m actually a total adrenaline junkie, but when it comes to the thoughts in my head I usually shut down. Anonymity seems to be the cure for that. I’d like to open up eventually but that’s just not going to happen right now.

I know this post is actually pretty boring so here are two random things about myself. I hope you come back to read some more.

1. The toilet paper must roll over. Never under. I’m so serious about this that I can’t leave the bathroom until I fix it.
2. I despise peas.
